So, I know in the hypothetical Parents 101 handbook one of the top rules is to not play favorites with your children, but sometimes kids make it really hard. On one hand, I have Emerie who is, seriously, the world’s best baby. This is not “just because I’m her mom” talk either for the reason that Hallie could possibly have been the world’s worst baby. It is just when Emerie is awake she plays quietly with whatever you give her, and she gives heart-tingling smiles when she catches your attention. Another thing that helps Emerie’s standing is she sleeps 19 hours a day still…she knows mommy NEEDS some quiet time. However, Jace and Hallie have completely missed this vital piece of information.
First, I have Mr. Attitude, who seems to never stop talking or pestering and then this week interrupted me while I was telling him to go pick up some toys by yelling, “No, I’m in charge!” I, apparently, didn’t get that memo.
Then I have Hallie, who the majority of the time is a very sweet little girl…that is, until six-year-old hormones kick in. I didn’t realize six-year-olds needed to worry about having too much arm hair or what hairstyle they were getting—I wish she would just focus her energy on actually brushing her teeth now and then.
Don’t get me wrong…I wouldn’t trade my kids for anything, except for maybe a banana shake now and then. Motherhood does have its wonderful moments amidst the chaos. I just didn’t realize the ratio of “wonderful” and “what was I thinking” would be so lopsided.
Here are some pictures to help show that I really do love being a mom...most of the time.
This is the greeting I get every time I get Emerie out of her crib--I love it!

She's not crawling quite yet...but look at that form.

Emerie is the first of my children to not have an automatic detestation for strangers. Whoo hoo!

Emerie is thinking..."I hope Jace can't find me under here."

Don't hate on the hottie!! She might be smuggling popcorn in those britches.

You've got to love blanket huts. I always felt like a genie--so fun. What you can't see is me in there running the show...just teasing.

All I can say is...poor, poor Emerie. Weird...Jace is in his spiderman outfit.

Here's Jace helping with the laundry...oh wait.

Oh, and HAPPY 8th ANNIVERSARY TO KEVIN & ME!!! Boy, do I love my man!
Mikki, your hilarious. I just love reading your posts....I laugh everytime!
The other day, Mia informed me I am not the boss of the whole world...Jesus is. I guess she got me there - as mad as it makes me when she says it. I am hoping Claire is my Emery. Already she just seems so mild and sweet. I could look at her all day. Please let it be true...
Cute kids - I do get where you are coming from though...most of the time...blah, blah, blah - eeek. Not sure if I am making any sense at all. We'll blame it on the children.
You're so entertaining! I love the pics and I am glad you have such a good little Emerie. Maybe I'll get one of those one day! :)
i don't even know what to say...but, you have me laughing my fanny off! i miss you!!
I'm so glad you left a comment so I could find your blog!
I can't believe you have been married longer then me. You are just a kid, but probably more mature and wiser. And you are the best preschool teacher ever!
You make me laugh. I love reading your blog, just so I get my laugh for the day! Cute pics off the kids. Emerie is getting so big. Funny story about the name Emerie. So before Lacy found out they were having a boy, she really thought it was a girl. Well, one day she said, "What do you think about the names "Emerie, and I can't remember the other one." I said seriously? She said, "What don't you like them?" I said ya I love them, but you really want the name Emerie?? She said, ya I really like it? Um okay dork, that's Mikki's little girls name!! "Oh ya, I knew it sounded familiar!!" What a dork!!
I love it! That Emerie is dang cute. I have a minor problem with the favorite thing too.
Mikki, your blog is so funny. You are so good with words. You need to write a book. I can't believe how cute your kids are! Email me at, and I will invite you to my blog.
Kevin and Mikki,
It was nice to find your blog. It's been a long time since we've seen you and your family. You all look beautiful and happy. Next time you're in the area, let us know...we'd like to see you guys.
I just love going into Claire's room in the morning and she smiles at me and kicks her feet. Kicking her feet is her sign of adoration.
And I totally had a stacy and nathan cardon moment - Matthew has informed me that I am not his boss, but Jesus is. Where are these kids learning this stuff? Oh, and when I tried to explain to him that Jesus said to obey his father and mother - he tells me that I am actually his sister. Hmmm, don't know what to say there. Glad to see you blogging.
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