The world lost a wonderfully sweet lady this month—Kevin’s Grandma Pursel passed away after dealing with both Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. I never used to give the death of an elderly person a second thought before because, well, they were old. I didn’t think a death like this would cause a spouse to grieve as another might who had lost a mate who is still young. Then I realized that a loss like this is still more than I can imagine. They are couples like this who have been companions, lovers and best friends for decades—much longer than the time they were without one another.
With this event I have come to a realization…life really does go by too fast. All those “older” folk that continue to say “time flies by” or “kids grow up too soon” might really know what they are talking about. Who knew?
Accompanying this realization I made a decision…I don’t want to let the days slide by without making the most of my time while I am still “younger”. I have heard people talk about life lists before, but had never thought to make my own. During my time in Nevada I was reading a book that once again talked of life lists. With my recent epiphany I decided this was a great idea. So, here is the beginning of my life list (I figure if I share some with others I’m more likely to actually follow through):
*Read the Book of Mormon (pathetic, I know, I’ve started several times, but never finished)
*Go sky diving
*Run a marathon
*Go deep sea scuba diving
*Learn to play the guitar
*Learn patience AND humility
*Publish a children’s book
These are just to get me started…we’ll say this is my five year plan.
While the trip our family made to Nevada this week was due to a sad event, we also had some sweet moments. The trip always starts and ends on a bad note—I never have been one to enjoy road trips. However, you have to love the comatose state automobile DVD players inflict on children.

Kevin’s sister, Natalie, and her two oldest girls made it over from Alabama. It was really good to see them—Brielle and Brooklyn are like a couple of spirit leaders. We got to visit Kevin’s Aunt Robyn and his purple-haired Grandma Robbins, who spoke of giving strip teases for her guests. We also went bowling where Hallie outscored me, and she didn’t even get to finish all her rounds. Jace was a bit of a different story…he scored 12 and that was with the bumpers up. He had one ball that didn’t even make it to the pins—apparently, he has Kevin’s former arm strength. (Disclaimer: Kevin is waaaaaaaaaay burly and brawny now!) As for Emerie, when she wasn’t sleeping she was wowing everyone with her content, sweet nature and dimpled leg rolls. It was really good to spend this time with my family—they make me laugh and that is one of my favorite things to do!

hey mik...i guess i must have needed your wit and wisdom about "time flying by and life lists" because while i was reading, i got a tear in my eye. thank you for sharing and i am going to mimic your idea and make my own "list."
anyway, sorry about your trip home...but...it is kinda funny...you have to admit. armpit of the united states...you are awful...hee hee!
Road trips with kids are the best. I pretty much go insane...and hershey squirts to boot. Yikes. I don't know how I ended up with carbon copy children, but I did.
Talk to you later.
You are so funny! I love reading your posts. It sounds like you had a pretty eventful trip! I love your list...I need to do that myself. As far as the hershey squirts go...i'm glad that for once it's not me that has them on a road trip! P.S. You are one inspired individual! You were one of the few who voted boy in our family!
Thanks for the advice on my hubby's nails--and yes he does peel and pick and them---pretty gross. Glad you stopped by my blog to shed some light and by the way--you have some very cute kids!
Could Jace be any cuter?? I'm so loving your blog!!! I'll run another marathon with you if you teach me to cook... deal? And you are the only other person I know who wants to write a book. That's on my list too!
It is so fun to see the family and see how much they are growing. Now if we could only get our kids together to go on a road trip!! The good ol' days!!!
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