Lord, please grant me patience to deal with my blessings...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Faith, Trust & Tooth Fairy Dust

So I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned how important it was for Hallie to finally start losing teeth--to her dismay, she did not lose any during Kindergarten. She had to wait clear until first grade before she lost her very first one….and this is when it happened…she became completely obsessed with the tooth fairy. Can you guess what she is being for Halloween this year?

Anyway, back to my babbling…after her first visit from the tooth fairy she was sold. The next lost tooth was accompanied with a note under her pillow that went along the lines of “I don’t want any money. I just want to meet you…yadda, yadda, yadda.” While this touched my little heart it caused “Starla” (Hallie’s personal tooth fairy) to pen back with “I’m sorry, but it is against regulations in the Fairy Handbook to meet humans.” There were several other correspondences coinciding with more lost teeth. Then Hallie’s mouth went on a kind of hiatus for about six months. Well, she once again lost another tooth. What will this bring? I asked myself. I could not have been more surprised OR amused when I read the note for Starla.

Now, before you read the note here is some background information from this past week. Hallie’s school is constantly asking for money. This week they are acquiring “pledges” for a walk-a-thon fundraiser. Hallie has been relentlessly bugging us to give her money for this cause…OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Now, read on…

The note accompanying Hallie’s newly lost tooth read:

Dear Starla I have lost my tooth. Of course. Please show me a picture. Thank you. You are my best friend. What is your last name? Sign it right here ____________________. Please give me ten dollars I want to get pleges to my school. Thank you and ten or twenty is good.

Seriously, can you say car salesman? Sadly, she only got a dollar.


Stacy said...

That is hilarious. Sheesh...Starla is stingy.

AMiller said...

Creative! How will you ever break it to her?

Erin said...

How funny!!! I love that story and how Starla and her are such great friends. She is quite diligent in her cause!

Sandgren Family said...

That is hysterical! At least she is putting the money to a good cause. Gracie just lost her first tooth two weeks ago. I was amazed at how much the price of a tooth has gone up since I was a kid. And then she lost the second tooth only six days later. She hasn't started writing letters to the tooth fairy, but she certainly expects the tooth fairy to leave her notes. Gotta love kids!

Rieck Family said...

Such a cute story. She acts way too old. Once again, I love coming to your blog!!!

Jean Smith said...

oh my GOSH! that note is hilarious!!! ten or twenty...man...that girl knows how to work it!!! it does melt the heart though...you have to admit...

Anonymous said...

I wonder how she will take the news when she finds out "Starla" is a nothing but a fraud, conjured up by her own mother. Poor girl! Actually, I thought it was quite cute...asking for a ten or twenty! Nice job Hallie!

grandma pursel said...

mom you need to post again.