
Emerie is now 14 1/2 months old and this is how she opts to get around. We have been able to get her to take a few steps, but I believe she may be a bit bull-headed like her daddy. I'm so mild mannered I know it couldn't possibly be from me. She gets around fast enough, though. As soon as the pantry is opened she's there dumping out cocoa, powdered sugar, knocking cans over, etc. Then to top it off, she takes things, like boxes of jello, from the pantry and dumps them in the garbage if the lid happens to be open. It's like she's in a slam dunk contest, and from the looks of things, she'd smoke the competition. It's a good thing she's so squishy and cute...I just have to forgive her.
As for Jace, sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.
I love it! Your family is cute and so funny! Jace is so big now! I can really only remember him running around the yard in saggy diapers! It's been too long! Tell everyone, "Hi!" from us.
That is a hilarious picture of Jace. You guys seem like you always have something to laugh about or get entertained by. I love it!
that's hilarious that is her choice of transportation! i miss her chubby little cheeks...
your little girl is so cute. i love her mode of transportation. & Jace is so funny w/ that belly. your home looks darling.
Wow, Emerie looks so different from the last time that I saw her. I need to stop by and say hi.
ha ha, the photo of jace is killer!! i was notcing Emerie a few sundays ago and she's growing up so much!
I've been told that I need to check out the preschool blog but I can't find it. HELP!
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