Wow! I can’t believe I made it through…it was touch and go there for awhile. I’ve come to realize May is more hectic than December could ever hope to be. Between preparing for preschool graduation, dance recitals, birthdays, Mother’s Day, end of year school activities, etc. I sometimes wonder what I’ve gotten myself into and that maybe the vagabonds living on the streets have something on me. Yet, after a night of 11 hours sleep along with a two hour nap the next morning and staying in bed all day reading, I think I once again have a handle on things—nothing a little slothfulness couldn’t cure.

Preschool graduation was last week, and while it takes a lot of effort, it is always fun to see the kids perform for their families—especially when one of my own is in the mix. Jace did a really good job belting out the tunes, no matter how monotone he sounded. The “Dopey” look also makes it a sweet experience. Jace also turned four-years-old this month. We went to Farm Country for his b-day and while there he informed us he is allergic to horse poop. He followed up the fun experience with a 20-minute screaming tantrum because we didn’t get him popcorn as we were leaving. I thought girls were supposed to be the emotionally draining ones…I guess I’m just super lucky.

Hallie had her dance recital as well this month. The recitals are the main reason I signed her up for dance—she gets a cute costume, pictures, and I get to see her perform. However, after I watched her run cluelessly around the stage looking for her mark I questioned my logic. She still looked cute in her costume, though Kevin questioned where the other half of it was. I counted an approximate 3.5 seconds she actually danced. Needless to say, she will not be signed back up this fall. She’s not too broken up about it, though. We’re going to try out some gymnastics this summer and soccer this fall.

As for Emerie, it has been a big growth month for her. She now has six teeth and is crawling—spastically crawling, but crawling none the less. She has also perfected the pouncing tactic. She will be softly caressing our faces, adoringly, then out of nowhere she just about claws our faces off. She’s worth the pain, though.
May is pretty much over…Whoo hoo! While I don’t like to wish days away for the most part, I am really excited for this summer and the extra time I will have to spend enjoying my family and making memories…good or bad…I’m excited no matter what!

This is how I occasionally find Emerie sleeping.

This is how I occasionally find Emerie squawking for me, but when I peek in I find...

"Surprise! I'm not stuck I just wanted to show you how cool I am."
WOW...just reading about your month of May made me tired! Is that what i'm in for with having a baby??? It sounds like you are keeping busy! Your kids are getting so big and are still cute as ever! I wish we could have seen you guys when we were up! I guess I will just have to wait until July!!! It will be here before we know it! Love ya!
Okay so Emerie looks like she resembles Grandma Robbins a little bit. You family is so cute and you seem to handle the schedule well considering all I ever here about your kids is they are so well behaved.
You did such a great job with preschool. Thanks again! I love the picture of Jace. And Hallie's costume.... that's the reason I don't have Cameron dance. (plus she's a diva)
It was fun at the park today. Maybe next time we can do mud wrestling...
yes, THANK YOU...may is absolutely and totally CRAZY! i'm sure you are so super excited to be done with graduation...what a big event!
anyway, love your kiddies pictures (especially the ones of emerie's bum and her hiding under the crib. miss you guys!
I love reading your blog! You always make me laugh. I especially loved the paragraph about Hallie, not really dancing at all and Kevin wondering where the other half of her costume was! So cute!
I heard how great graduation was. You always do an awesome job! I am excited for Tyler to start up next year and be apart of all the fun.
I can't believe how busy you are. I looks like your are a great preschool teacher. I wish you could teach Malyn. I hope June is a little easier on you.
this is so cute! this whole blog thing has opened up a whole new world to me! Now, how in the heck do I add you to my page for easy access? I want to look as popular as you, but I'm not very good yet! I can't believe how fast everyone is growing up! It seems like just yesterday when we moved away! Hallie looks like she's 10 years old! Keep in touch!
Eleanor loves that Farm Country as well and I swear everytime we leave she throws a HUGE fit because I won't buy her another stupid animal toy or a treat!!
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