If you are feeling like you need a little more fullness in your lips but don't have the extra cash to spend on collagen injections right now, you can just follow Emerie's example and smack your face on a hard surface floor.

If you don't think you can bring yourself to do it on your own, I'm sure Jace would be happy to help. He didn't seem to mind too much in this case.
Oh, poor girl! That looks like it really hurt.
Oh, my gosh! I have tears streaming down my face from laughing so hard!!!!
I am laughing so hard right now!n You are hilarious! I was sad I didnt get to see you this week up north...I guess the Christmas party will be here before we know it!
OH shoot - poor thing. My lips do need injections but I think I'll just go and see a professional. :)
oh poor baby girl! :( well, how many people can actually say that? that they are STILL freakin' cute even AFTER this happens?? :)
pucker up baby...you're startin' her early on the beauty routines mik! the quicker she learns that beauty is pain the better!!!
oh no! poor baby! um, yes, i do believe i need some collagen, but i will pass on that method.
we miss you guys! so sad that we aren't there for christmas...i hope you miss us terribly, terribly bad.
hey guys we have a blog!http://holliandryan.blogspot.com/
Hi, Mikki! Where are you? You haven't updated your blog forever! I've got to know how everything is going!
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