Lord, please grant me patience to deal with my blessings...

Saturday, August 16, 2008


I know the old adage is “time flies when you’re having fun,” but I found during July and now August it also has the ability to fly when “fun” is not necessarily the first word that comes to mind.

We did celebrate Hallie’s 7th birthday in July with a little Tinkerbell party—I’m so happy she is currently out of the “I want to act like a valley-girl-teenager” stage. The attitude and jargon that came along with this phase about drove me to an early Prozac addiction—I’m trying to save that for high school.

She finally got the Barbie mp3 player she'd been wanting--it was fun to see her excitement, though.

We did begin August with a bang…Emerie turned one! Once again, where has the time gone? She’s not even close to walking, but that’s okay with me…she’s got a Russian march meets River Dance thing goin’ on. Perhaps her smokin’ hot thigh rolls will stay around a bit longer, though.

She still has not eaten her first piece of cake. The only thing that came from this experience was the opportunity to wash green icing out of her hair.
This has nothing to do with anything other than I love how she just "chills" every time I put her in the bath, and here she is again just chillin' with Kevin.
As for Jace, nothing too exciting to report…he spends the majority of his time in superhero mode. If there are superpowers involved count him in. Every once in awhile he likes to be “Octopus Prime” (transformer) or likes to play games like “Old Maybe.” It’s also always a safe bet he’ll give me attitude daily…I’ve heard “WHATEVER” and “I don’t like having a mom” more in the last month than most parents probably hear in a lifetime. But, “WHATEVER.”

I bet for those of you who knew about our 24-hour pet dachsund you'd never have imagined we would get another pet. Who knew? At least this one has a short life span.
Here is my favorite quality time with Jace, and I'm not talking about the slip-n-slide either.

No fabulous vacations or camping trips to report, but we had a few fun simple times throughout the summer...here are my kids having backyard fun with their cousin Taylor.

Everybody's first visit to the Living Planet Aquarium...I guess the octopus getting its food out of Mr. Potato Head was kinda cool. This visit definitely fits under the summer "filler" category.
When it comes to this past summer, I don’t know, but I think I want a refund…I did NOT get my money’s worth.